
I have a problem with my sysmoBTS. When I start the bts I receive a BOOTME message. So after identify in the SysmoBTS Manual the problem like broken UBL, I tried to follow the manual using the dvnixload utility. I installed the binutils-multiarch package and others neccesary for the execution of the divnixload, but during the proccess I get an error:

root@ubun-osmo:/home/osmo-user/Documentos# ./dvnixload -p /dev/ttyUSB0 ubl-sysmobts-v2.elf u-boot-sysmobts-v2.elf
dvnixload info:    Using cross compiler ""
dvnixload info:    Expecting messages: [BOOTME] [BOOTPSP] [I_ME]
dvnixload info:      [BOOTME] received
dvnixload error:   Entry point not found
dvnixload error:   Entry point not found

Do someone know why I get an "Entry point not found" message and how I can fix it?

Thank you so much!!