
I'm happy to invite you to the up comming FrOSCon. Like last year we can offer a developer room for the weekend and a
official Licences to use one RFCN. We would futher be me more than happy to find some opensource GSM talks in our CFP.

The FrOSCon 2011 takes palce in Sank Ausgustin near Bonn in Germany from the 20. to 21. August (one week after the CCC Camp).

Below you find the offical CFP invite email.

Looking forward to see some of you at FrOSCon 2011

mfg Peter

Meanwhile, preparations for the sixth FrOSCon are well underway. This year's
FrOSCon takes place on August 20th/21st 2011.

We thought you might be interested to hear that the Call for Projects has
started. If you as a project want to participate again, please visit
https://callforprojects.froscon.org/ and sign up for a room or booth,
depending on your needs. Since the demand for developer rooms and booths
exceeds the number of rooms and booth we can offer, we need a short summary
(1-2 paragraphs) of what you plan to do. On the basis of this text we will
choose the projects that appear most promising to us.

The deadline for submission of projects is 23rd May 2011.

Additionally our Call for Papers has started, so we are looking forward to
your submissions of talks. Please visit http://www.froscon.de/en/program/call-
for-papers.html for further information. The Call for Papers will end on 23rd
May 2011

If you have questions concerning the developer rooms feel free to contact
projects@froscon.org. For questions concerning a booth contact

We would love to see all of you again in August. Also, please spread the word
and help make this year's FrOSCon's special.

Kind regards,
Patrick Hallen
The FrOSCon Team

Address: FrOSCon e.V.
c/o FH Bonn-Rhein-Sieg
Grantham-Allee 20
53757 Sankt Augustin
E-Mail: projects@froscon.org
Homepage: http://www.froscon.org