Hey Don,

thanks for your help.

I use mISDN.v2, it was already integrated in the kernel (3.0.22).

The matter is that the module mISDN_l1loop isn't in the kernel-integrated mISDN-folder integrated so I installed the newest version from mISDN (.v2) to copy the mISDN_l1loop-files in the mISDN-directory from the kernel. But that didn't work and since them I get an error everytime I want to load the hfcmulti-module:

modprobe hfcmulti
FATAL: Error inserting hfcmulti (/lib/modules/3.0.22/kernel/drivers/isdn/mISDN/hfcmulti.ko): Invalid argument

I deleted the copied mISDN_l1loop-files but the error is still there.

With lcpci -v I see that the module isn't loaded for the hfc-e1 card and with lsmod I can see that hfcmulti doesn't appear there.

Before I copied the mISDN_l1loop-files mISDN worked without errors and mISDN_info showed me the card and was loaded. What didn't work was the mISDN_l1loop and lcr.

Now I don't know what to do. Google is not a great help in this case and the only thing I changed was the copying from the mISDN_l1loop-files. Also depmod -a and a reboot doesn't change anything.

Best regards

2012/6/19 Don Fanning <don@00100100.net>
On Tue, Jun 19, 2012 at 1:58 AM, Ellen Apolinar <ellen.apolinar.td@googlemail.com> wrote:

lcr fork
** LCR  Version 1.7
000000 DEBUG (in getrulesetbyname() line 1871): ruleset main found.
LCR: Starting daemon.
GSM is enabled, but not compiled. Use --with-gsm-bs or --with-gsm-ms while configure!

I installed LCR in the following way:
./configure --prefix=/usr/src/lcr --with-gsm-bs
make install

Which mISDN are you using?

I compiled my LCR with ./configure --prefix=xxxxxxxxx --with-gsm-bs --with-asterisk

Typically this would fail but I went to an earlier mISDN version and it worked perfectly.