Yes I know it would be easier but I unfortunately don't have a nanoBTS.

2011/5/11 Nordin <>
 I think you better try OpenBSC with a real nanoBTS if you own one. If that works, you can analize the traffice between OpenBSC and nanoBTS. You can than simulate packages as nanoBTS packages to OpenBSC and you get what you want I think. Hope this helps.

On 11-5-2011 10:30, Christopher HENARD wrote:
Hi everyone,

As I said in previous messages, I want to write a program to dialogue with
openBSC (more precisely, osmo-nitb)

In fact I tried to compile osmo-bts  but it seems some structures are not
even define anywhere (struct osmobts_ms, struct osmol2_entity...). I know
it's still under development but I can't test the main program and read the
code is a little bit long.

For ipaccess-proxy, the main thread also starts bsc_select_main, resulting
in osmo-nitb and proxy both waiting for something but nothing happens. That
brings these questions:

Is there any documentation of the code of open BSC ?
Are all the protocols of Abis interface implemented (LAPD, BTSM, RR) ? If
yes, where can they be found in the code and is it possible to use them
externally to forge packets ?
Is it possible to connect 2 open BSC together ? What are the requirements?
In the main loop of osmo-nitb, what are the message open BSC is waiting for
Do you think it would be possible that a SMSC communicate with open BSC ?
What are the requirements?
Have you implemented part of the SS7 stacks (mtp, SCCP, ...) ?

Thank you

2011/5/10 Christopher HENARD<>

Ok, I'll see that, thanks.

2011/5/10 Harald Welte<>

On Tue, May 10, 2011 at 04:33:40PM +0200, Christopher HENARD wrote:
Ok, I'll try with ipaccess-proxy code since I don't know what is
see the osmo-bts.git repository on

However, the process osmo-nitb need a config file to start, and as I
want to
simulate nano BTS and forge IP packets, what config file am I supposed
provide to osmo-nitb?
openbsc.cfg.nanobts or something along those lines.

Thank you
- Harald Welte<>

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