Hi All,
I'm getting the following error "Received packet without a valid source address!!!" on sgsnemu 0.84
[root@n003-000-000-000 openggsn-0.84]# sgsnemu --listen --remote --timelimit 10 --contexts 1 --apn internet --imsi 2400112                34567890 --msisdn 46702123456 -u root -p nsil --createif --defaultroute
Using default DNS server
Local IP address is: (
Remote IP address is: (
IMSI is:               240011234567890 (0xf098765432110042)
Using NSAPI:           0
Using GTP version:     1
Using APN:             internet
Using selection mode:  1
Using MSISDN:          46702123456
Initialising GTP library
openggsn[4597]: GTP: gtp_newgsn() started
Setting up interface
Done initialising GTP library
Sending off echo request
Setting up PDP context #0
Waiting for response from ggsn........
Received echo response
Received create PDP context response. IP address:
Disconnecting PDP context #0
Received packet without a valid source address!!!
[root@n003-000-000-000 openggsn-0.84]#
The error I get on GGSN (Cisco 7200) on debugging is "Mandatory info element out of sequence"
*Oct 13 17:01:42.444: GTP IE:4200113254769800:rcvd 0 out of order previous IE 0
*Oct 13 17:01:42.448: %GTP-2-PDPACTIVATIONFAIL: GTP PDP activation/update failed, GSN:, TID: 00, Reason: Mandatory info element out of sequence
I'm sticking with 0.84 as 0.91 has a bug while sending echo " Mandatory IE invalid" . Any help on this is greatly appreciated.
Thank you,