
I saw something wierd using misdn_log to see the Abis communication : even if i don't call or send SMS I can see a periodic paging and a periodic RACH answer.
The period of the paging is 2.6 seconds.
The RACH appears 16 or 17 ms after the paging.
In attached file the capture (open with wireshark) :
1. a call Mobile1(Nokia6310i)-->2(Ericsson)
2. a SMS Mobile 1-->2
3. a call Mobile 2-->1
4. a SMS Mobile 2-->1
Between these 4 operations we can see lot of paging and RACH with no interruption.

Does anyone understand this?

Btw the SMS doesn't work for me. It is transmitted towards the BTS but not fowarded from the BTS to the 2nd mobile.

Eric Cathelinaud

2009/7/23 Eric Cathelinaud <e.cathelinaud@googlemail.com>
Oh nice
thanks for the information
Best regards
Eric Cathelinaud

2009/7/23 Dieter Spaar <spaar@mirider.augusta.de>

Hello Eric,

On Thu, 23 Jul 2009 11:35:33 +0200, "Eric Cathelinaud" <e.cathelinaud@googlemail.com> wrote:
> I would like to ask another question. I can see on which time slot the burst
> is sent but i can't see the frame and the multiframe number. Is it available
> somewhere?

Not in the Abis communication, its the BTS which cares about frames
but not the BSC. For the nanoBTS it is most certainly possible to get
debug traces from the debug port (but probably not on Abis) which
contain the frame number, but I am not aware that the same is possible
for the BS-11.

If you are interested in this low-level Layer 1 stuff, you might have
a look at OpenBTS, you can adjust nearly everything or trace at a really
low level.

Best regards,
Dieter Spaar, Germany                           spaar@mirider.augusta.de