

I am working on my Diploma thesis , which topic is GPRS Emulation software. This project is based on your OsmoBTS project  . The idea is to delete/replace the hw-related primitives and features and redirect the whole traffic to the osmocomBB with modifications – this is the work of my colleague .

1st  point:  My intention is to implement gprs part only. I have analyzed the BTS codes(especially Master, Jolly/l1sap_parts and Jolly/Trx  ), i dont know which one will be most suitable to use, but I think the jolly/trx or jolly/l1sap_parts common part will be probably best choise . It implements more common functions in l1sap interface compared to the Master code .  Am I right ?


2nd  point: I have analyzed the common code, and it is look like the main logic of the PCU(from the BTS side) is implemented in pcu_sock.c and l1sap.c , where the l1sap implements the message parsing and sending to the l1_if of the BTS , and also initializes gsmtap messages . So what I want to do is to create another socket application to connect with osmocomBB(with additional gprs implementation) , which will send/receive the BTS messages from l1sap through our custom "l1 interface" to the osmocomBB phone("how simple") . The PCU part looks, that would not need any intervention. What do you think ?

The hardest part will be to achieve , the application will be able to run witout HW (in the case of TRX branch , the bts will be able to connect to "transmiter" ).  Since i am now standing on the crossroad, i need advice to make the right discision . Any suggestions and comments are highly appreciated.


Best Regards,

Dominik Tamaskovic