Hello guys,

thanks a lot for your answers. So it looks like our failure was to use a mix of the wrong nightly builds and builds from source. I'm in the process of implementing the right repos now. Good to see that we were on the right way with our bsc -> stp <- msc setup and can narrow down our confusion.

On Thu, Oct 19, 2017 at 5:11 PM, Neels Hofmeyr <nhofmeyr@sysmocom.de> wrote:
> BTW, I have the task of writing a migration guide from OsmoNITB to
> separate OsmoBSC+OsmoMSC that should cover these topics, which I'm
> planning to start today. It should be in the osmocom.org wiki soon

Looking forward to your guide helping with some open questions.

Best regards and have a nice weekend,
