thanks for your answer.
You are right, it was a configuration problem related to the SGSN. In particular, the encapsulation local-ip parameter in the ns section. I was using the same value used for gtp localip, but this was creating the issue. Now I set this ip to some random local ip ( and it works fine.
Can you explain what the encapsulation setting is actually doing? The documentation is not very clear on this, I thought this was supposed to be the same value as the gtp localip. Everything else is working fine anyway.

By the way, do you recommend to switch to the "split" architecture right now? Or is there a timeline for when OsmoNITB will be deprecated? Thanks!


On Tue, Nov 7, 2017 at 12:33 PM, Neels Hofmeyr <nhofmeyr@sysmocom.de> wrote:
Hi Lorenzo,

please note that that wiki page hasn't been updated in a while. Most of it
should have remained the same though.

On Sun, Nov 05, 2017 at 04:26:10PM +0100, Lorenzo Cavallini wrote:
> <0008> gprs_ns.c:263 NSVCI=65534 Creating NS-VC
> <0008> gprs_ns.c:707 NSEI=1800 Tx NS RESET ACK (NSVCI=1800)
> <0008> gprs_ns.c:995 NSVCI=1800 Rx NS RESET ACK (NSEI=1800, NSVCI=1800)
> <0008> gprs_ns.c:1004 NS RESET ACK Discarding unexpected message for
> NS-VCI 1800 from SGSN NSEI=1800

looking at the source code for this, it seems that your setup is not
expecting a RESET ACK for that particular NSEI / NSVCI. Maybe some setting
still mismatches?

If you can't find anything, do also send your config files along.

I'll also point you at the new wiki page for the split setup that includes
GPRS -- but it isn't fully verified yet and doesn't include PCU setup:
