Hello everyone,

1) Is it possible to act as a nano BTS and send packets to open BSC ? But how to do that since openBSC uses config files (openbsc.cfg.nanobts, ...) ?

2)I can't get last source code with git, the command always results in a timeout:

git clone git://git.osmocom.org/openbsc.git
Cloning into openbsc...
git.osmocom.org[0:]: errno=Connection timed out
git.osmocom.org[0: 2001:780:45:f046::201]: errno=Network is unreachable
fatal: unable to connect a socket (Network is unreachable)

Would that be possible to update the tarballs on the wiki? It seems the current tarball of openBSC (http://openbsc.osmocom.org/trac/wiki) doesn't contains config files in the osmo-nitb directory. There's only source and makefile.  The wiki mention 'OpenBSC has a configuration file. The default config file name is openbsc.cfg in the current working directory of the osmo-nitb process.'

Thank you,