Hi Harald

This is great news!  Are you going to release this as Free / Open Source
Software ?

This project is based on openBSC and would be Free/Open Source. Let me
comment a few points for this project:

1. Abis side
Create software for BTS which will use same Abis/IP software what is already
developed to communicate with  ipaccess. OpenBSC will operate this BTS as
 ipaccess,  using  same cfg files etc.

2. Um side
 Use or adapt as much as we can software already developed in current
 project OsmocomBB (LAPDm,  etc).

3. Core
New module. Following programing techniques and approach as in  openBSC
will allow more people to be involved.

4. Hardware
Hardware independent. Kernel driver for each hardware solution.

There might be quite some code sharing possibilities.
I'll try to port my OpenBTS Abis/IP code against current OpenBTS and
release it soon.
That would be great. Would be good to have more hardware options for openBSC
also will help  to prepare better some initial code for repository.