On 21/10/2021 03:14, Justin wrote:
Hi Osmocom,

Hello Justin.

Currently, I'm getting an error message on FreeSwitch SIP/2.0 400 Missing Contact Header.

Freeswitch devs broke libsofia-sip in their current development track. However, your (linux?) distro probably has a working libsofia-sip package. There was an issue somewhere, not sure if it was on osmocom or github. or some other place. I can't find it right now, sorry.

You need to uninstall the libsofia that was installed along with freeswitch from the freeswitch repos. (I'm guessing you installed from their packages) and install the version supplied with your distro. I'm not sure what will happen nowadays with your package manager dependencies if you try to uninstall libsofia, it may insist on removing freeswitch. You might have to do some package manager wizardry, or download the libsofia-sip packages from the distro and extract them and then copy the libs into place. Or build it all yourself from Freeswitch 1.8 or someting. I am not aware of any new feature added to the current freeswitch master that you might need to use FS as a PBX (it's not really correct to say an "external MNCC") 1.8 or even 1.6 is fine.

I have:

Package: libsofia-sip*
Pin: release a=oldstable
Pin-Priority: 510

in /etc/apt/preferences.d/pinning.pref

I think, that is to say, IIUC freeswitch decided the handle Contact headers in the freeswitch code and therefore imposed that onto libsofia.  This is all unfortunate, but a good example of "works for me" thinking.
