Dear Sir/Madam£¬
          I'm a graduate student from a martime college ,  my major is not computer or communication  ,   I'm trying to do a project about vessel's AIS tx . The equipment which I use is  USRP b210  and the software is Gnuradio .  After I cloned the code from  and install into gnuradio , it occurs a few mistakes . I tryed to install it in Ubnutu system  and dragonOS   system ,both failed . Could take a look and help me to solve the problem ,  there is some pictures attached in this e-mail about the problem .    Really thanks a lot ,  wish you have a nice day .
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Yours Sincerelly 
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Xiangjun  Zhang