Dear Harald,
Thank you very much for the response.
With my little knowledge of programming, not sure if I can make any contribution in partching existing code base. At this point would be more than glad to have some documentation on using sgsnemu switches such as charging, qos ,dns options
I  could at this point just work the radius part of the emulation with the following configuration inputs provide into config file:
 sgsnemu --listen --remote --timelimit 30 --contexts 3 --apn s --imsi 240011234567890 --msisdn 46702123456 -u root -p nsil --createif &
But did not have any luck with dns... should sgsnemu permit sending packets for dnslookup without having to specify remote ggsn IP?
Any inputs on these would be of great help.
Thank you,
From: Harald Welte <>
To: anish achenkunju <>
Cc: "" <>
Sent: Saturday, October 15, 2011 12:50 PM
Subject: Re: Way to invoke multiple imsi msisdn in sgnsemu

Dear Anish,

the openggsn project has its own mailinglist, as indicated on the
openggsn sourceforge project site.

Your questions would probably be better suited there.

However, to be honest, judging from the little project activity, I wuold
be seriously surprised if anyone but you has been using sgsnemu as much
as you have, at least for a number of years.

So I guess you will be on your own.  sgsnemu has been nothing more than
a small test utility for generating a few test transactions against
openggsn.  Using it with other GGSNs and extending its features to do
more complex testing is certainly something you can do, but you will
have to do it yourself.

As it is a community based project, I'm more than happy to review and/or
merge any patches that you may have for extending the sgsnemu
functionality or to fix any bugs in it.

I personally find the plethora of command line options of sgsnemu
extremely cumbersome and would much rather prefer an approach where all
those parameters are read from a config file.  So if you're going to
work on that, you work is much appreciated.

- Harald Welte <>
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