Hi Holger, thanks for the mail.

I'm not sure how the system could get that state. I was working correctly with the BTS months ago and I switched it off. When I started the system a couple of days ago, "BOOTME" it was the only response I received. And the BTS was always in the same place, this was very strange for me.

I executed dvnixload with -d 5:

root@ubun-osmo:/home/osmo-user/Documentos# ./dvnixload -p /dev/ttyUSB0 ubl-sysmobts-v2.elf u-boot-sysmobts-v2.elf -d 5

and one of the outputs was:

dvnixload debug2:    OUTPUT count is 0

So, with this and the fact that maybe I had some problem with binutils-multiarch on my ubuntu 14.04 LTS running in VirtualBox, I used a laptop with a Kali Linux installed. The OUTPUT count was 1, but I don´t receive the message [BEGIN]

root@kali:~# ./dvnixload -p /dev/ttyUSB0 ubl-sysmobts-v2.elf u-boot-sysmobts-v2.elf
dvnixload info:    Using cross compiler ""
dvnixload info:    Expecting messages: [BOOTME] [BOOTPSP] [I_ME]
dvnixload info:      [BOOTME] received
dvnixload info:    Sending ACK sequence
dvnixload info:    Sending CRC ($BC258B07)
dvnixload info:    Sending size ($00002A88 bytes)
dvnixload info:    Sending entry point ($00002214)
dvnixload info:    Sending termination sequence
dvnixload info:    Expecting messages: [BEGIN]

In this point is waiting always. But with the option of -d I observed that the message that is receiving is continuously [BOOTME]

oot@kali:~# ./dvnixload -p /dev/ttyUSB0 ubl-sysmobts-v2.elf u-boot-sysmobts-v2.elf -d 5
dvnixload info:    Using cross compiler ""
dvnixload debug1:  Running command: test -f ubl-sysmobts-v2.elf
dvnixload debug1:  Running command: file ubl-sysmobts-v2.elf | grep ELF 1> /dev/null 2>&1
dvnixload debug1:  Running command: test -f u-boot-sysmobts-v2.elf
dvnixload debug1:  Running command: file u-boot-sysmobts-v2.elf | grep ELF 1> /dev/null 2>&1
dvnixload debug2:  baud_rate_index = 6
dvnixload info:    Expecting messages: [BOOTME] [BOOTPSP] [I_ME]
dvnixload debug3:  [0] 0x20
dvnixload debug3:  [1] 0x42
dvnixload debug3:  [2] 0x4F
dvnixload debug3:  [3] 0x4F
dvnixload debug3:  [4] 0x54
dvnixload debug3:  [5] 0x4D
dvnixload debug3:  [6] 0x45
dvnixload debug3:  [7] 0x00
dvnixload debug1:    Reading: [BOOTME]
dvnixload info:      [BOOTME] received
dvnixload debug1:  Running command: objcopy -R .ddrram -R .selfcopy --gap-fill 0xFF -S -O binary ubl-sysmobts-v2.elf /tmp/ubl.bin 2>&1
dvnixload debug2:  run_cmd_get_string()

dvnixload debug2:    CMD = "readelf -h ubl-sysmobts-v2.elf | grep 'Entry point' | sed  's/.*\(0x[0-9a-f]*\)/\1/'"

dvnixload debug2:    OUTPUT count is 1

dvnixload info:    Sending ACK sequence
dvnixload debug2:  Sending size = 8
dvnixload debug3:    [00] 0x20
dvnixload debug3:    [01] 0x20
dvnixload debug3:    [02] 0x20
dvnixload debug3:    [03] 0x20
dvnixload debug3:    [04] 0x41
dvnixload debug3:    [05] 0x43
dvnixload debug3:    [06] 0x4B
dvnixload debug3:    [07] 0x00
dvnixload debug2:    Written 8 characters
dvnixload info:    Sending CRC ($BC258B07)
dvnixload debug2:  Sending size = 8
dvnixload debug3:    [00] 0x42
dvnixload debug3:    [01] 0x43
dvnixload debug3:    [02] 0x32
dvnixload debug3:    [03] 0x35
dvnixload debug3:    [04] 0x38
dvnixload debug3:    [05] 0x42
dvnixload debug3:    [06] 0x30
dvnixload debug3:    [07] 0x37
dvnixload debug2:    Written 8 characters
dvnixload info:    Sending size ($00002A88 bytes)
dvnixload debug2:  Sending size = 4
dvnixload debug3:    [00] 0x32
dvnixload debug3:    [01] 0x41
dvnixload debug3:    [02] 0x38
dvnixload debug3:    [03] 0x38
dvnixload debug2:    Written 4 characters
dvnixload info:    Sending entry point ($00002214)
dvnixload debug2:  Sending size = 4
dvnixload debug3:    [00] 0x32
dvnixload debug3:    [01] 0x32
dvnixload debug3:    [02] 0x31
dvnixload debug3:    [03] 0x34
dvnixload debug2:    Written 4 characters
dvnixload info:    Sending termination sequence
dvnixload debug2:  Sending size = 4
dvnixload debug3:    [00] 0x30
dvnixload debug3:    [01] 0x30
dvnixload debug3:    [02] 0x30
dvnixload debug3:    [03] 0x30
dvnixload debug2:    Written 4 characters
dvnixload info:    Expecting messages: [BEGIN]
dvnixload debug3:  [0] 0x20
dvnixload debug3:  [1] 0x42
dvnixload debug3:  [2] 0x4F
dvnixload debug3:  [3] 0x4F
dvnixload debug3:  [4] 0x54
dvnixload debug3:  [5] 0x4D
dvnixload debug3:  [6] 0x45
dvnixload debug3:  [7] 0x00
dvnixload debug1:    Reading: [BOOTME]
dvnixload debug3:  [0] 0x20
dvnixload debug3:  [1] 0x42
dvnixload debug3:  [2] 0x4F
dvnixload debug3:  [3] 0x4F
dvnixload debug3:  [4] 0x54
dvnixload debug3:  [5] 0x4D
dvnixload debug3:  [6] 0x45
dvnixload debug3:  [7] 0x00
dvnixload debug1:    Reading: [BOOTME]
dvnixload debug3:  [0] 0x90
dvnixload debug3:  [1] 0x12
dvnixload debug3:  [2] 0x05
dvnixload debug3:  [3] 0x0D

and so on.

I would be very grateful if there is some idea about why this is happening and how solve it.

Thanks again.


2015-08-06 20:22 GMT+02:00 Holger Freyther <holger@freyther.de>:

> On 06 Aug 2015, at 13:20, Diego Fernandez Alonso <diegoferalonso@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello.
> I have a problem with my sysmoBTS. When I start the bts I receive a BOOTME message. So after identify in the SysmoBTS Manual the problem like broken UBL, I tried to follow the manual using the dvnixload utility. I installed the binutils-multiarch package and others neccesary for the execution of the divnixload, but during the proccess I get an error:

How did you get the system into that state?

> root@ubun-osmo:/home/osmo-user/Documentos# ./dvnixload -p /dev/ttyUSB0 ubl-sysmobts-v2.elf u-boot-sysmobts-v2.elf
> dvnixload info:    Using cross compiler ""
> dvnixload info:    Expecting messages: [BOOTME] [BOOTPSP] [I_ME]
> dvnixload info:      [BOOTME] received
> dvnixload error:   Entry point not found
> dvnixload error:   Entry point not found
> Do someone know why I get an "Entry point not found" message and how I can fix it?

so this means that “objdump” got executed. You can execute dvnixload with “-d 5’ (in
addition to the normal arguments) and you will get detailed output. It looks like ubuntu
has done something funny to binutils-multiarch.

When executing the above you will see the command that was executed, e.g. execute
it by hand and analyse the output.
