

Below are two test examples of my attempts to monitor conventional P25 (IMBE) voice transmissions.   I am using my VHF XTS5000 as a test signal generator having one of the conventional personalities  programed for ASTRO25 IMBE on an amateur simplex (146.460) frequency.  However, reports an exception and terminates without decoding LDU1/LDU2.   In a previous attempt, I setup a dummy.tsv file to include the NAC with control channels fields set to  “”, and then with set to “0” but no joy although didn’t report an exception and terminate.  There was just no indication of decoding LDU1/LDU2 in the console output with an on-frequency P25 signal applied to the SDR.


Please let me know if there are any other tests that might help to diagnose this.


Thank you,


Bill, WA8WG




Test example #1:  <>   ./ --args 'rtl' --gains 'lna:49' -f 146.460e6 -q 0 -S 1000000 -v 10 -V -U 2> stderr.2


Terminal output

rock64@rock64:~/op25/op25/gr-op25_repeater/apps$ ./

linux; GNU C++ version 6.3.0 20170221; Boost_106200; UHD_003.009.005-0-unknown


gain: name: LNA range: start 0 stop 0 step 0

setting gain lna to 49

supported sample rates 250000-2560000 step 24000

set_center_freq: 146460000



Error log output


gr-osmosdr 0.1.4 (0.1.4) gnuradio 3.7..10

built-in source types: file osmosdr fcd rtl rtl_tcp uhd miri hackrf bladerf rfspace airspy soapy redpitaya

Using device #0 Realtek RTL2838UHIDIR SN: 00000001

Found Rafael Micro R820T tuner

[R82XX] PLL not locked!

Exact sample rate is: 1000000.026491 Hz

[R82XX] PLL not locked!

p25_demodulator::connect_chain() demod_type=cqpsk

Project 25 IMBE Encoder/Decoder Fixed-Point implementation

Developed by Pavel Yazev E-mail:

Version 1.0 (c) Copyright 2009

This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.

This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it

under certain conditions; see the file ``LICENSE'' for details.

op25_audio::open_socket(): enabled udp host(, wireshark(23456), audio(23456)

p25_frame_assembler_impl: do_imbe[1], do_output[0], do_audio_output[1], do_phase2_tdma[0], do_nocrypt[0]

audio device: default

main: exception occurred

main: exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "./", line 778, in <module>

    if tb.process_qmsg(msg):

  File "./", line 731, in process_qmsg

    js = self.trunk_rx.to_json()

  File "/home/rock64/op25/op25/gr-op25_repeater/apps/", line 726, in to_json

    d[self.current_nac]['srcaddr'] = self.current_srcaddr

KeyError: None


Exception in thread Thread-2 (most likely raised during interpreter shutdown):



Test example #2:  <>   ./ --args 'rtl' --gains 'lna:49' -f 146.460e6 -q 0 -S 1000000 –D fsk4 -v 10 -V -U 2> stderr.2


Terminal Output

rock64@rock64:~/op25/op25/gr-op25_repeater/apps$ ./

linux; GNU C++ version 6.3.0 20170221; Boost_106200; UHD_003.009.005-0-unknown


gain: name: LNA range: start 0 stop 0 step 0

setting gain lna to 49

supported sample rates 250000-2560000 step 24000

set_center_freq: 146460000



Error log output

gr-osmosdr 0.1.4 (0.1.4) gnuradio 3.7.10

built-in source types: file osmosdr fcd rtl rtl_tcp uhd miri hackrf bladerf rfspace airspy soapy redpitaya

Using device #0 Realtek RTL2838UHIDIR SN: 00000001

Found Rafael Micro R820T tuner

[R82XX] PLL not locked!

Exact sample rate is: 1000000.026491 Hz

[R82XX] PLL not locked!

p25_demodulator::connect_chain() demod_type=fsk4

Project 25 IMBE Encoder/Decoder Fixed-Point implementation

Developed by Pavel Yazev E-mail:

Version 1.0 (c) Copyright 2009

This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.

This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it

under certain conditions; see the file ``LICENSE'' for details.

op25_audio::open_socket(): enabled udp host(, wireshark(23456), audio(23456)

p25_frame_assembler_impl: do_imbe[1], do_output[0], do_audio_output[1], do_phase2_tdma[0], do_nocrypt[0]

audio device: default

main: exception occurred

main: exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "./", line 778, in <module>

    if tb.process_qmsg(msg):

  File "./", line 731, in process_qmsg

    js = self.trunk_rx.to_json()

  File "/home/rock64/op25/op25/gr-op25_repeater/apps/", line 726, in to_json

    d[self.current_nac]['srcaddr'] = self.current_srcaddr

KeyError: None


Exception in thread Thread-2 (most likely raised during interpreter shutdown):






From: []
Sent: Wednesday, December 20, 2017 6:00 AM
Subject: RE: [op25-dev] Recent changes



Bill, Matt,

I'm not aware of a specific reason why conventional wouldn't work, but I'm happy to look at it if we can localize the problem.  Since I don't have any P25 conventional to test against, might I request the first step is to enable log level 10 (-v 10) and then park the app on top of a conventional frequency and see what appears in the log.

-D fsk4         (this is a guess, so try with and without)
-f <desired frequency>
-v 10
-S 960000 -q <ppm> -d <offset> (or whatever values work for you on a trunked system)

You shouldn't need (or want to use) the -T trunk.tsv parameter.

In an ideal world you'd see some LDU1 / LDU2 messages in the log and hear audio, but I'm going to guess that's not happening right now for whatever reason.


Posted by: "William Becks" <>
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