I'm not aware of a master gain parameter.   LNA, MIX, IF are the three gain controls.  All take value between 0-15.


On Thu, Sep 3, 2020, 9:00 PM <op25@zellners.com> wrote:

Trying to test out an AIRSPY R2 and the signal level v. an RTL is not 
even close.

I've got -N options for LNA, MIX, IF, but what is the option for the 

I've tried MAS, MASTER in the -N option, no change in the signal.

I've tried -g as well no joy.

./rx.py --args 'airspy' -N 'MASTER:50,IF:10,MIX:5,LNA:50' -S 2500000 
-f 769.55625e6 -v 7 -T P25PC.tsv -q 2 -V -2  -U -x 2 2>> airspy.log

./rx.py --args 'airspy' -N 'IF:10,MIX:5,LNA:15' -S 2500000 -f 
774.55625e6 -v 7 -T P25PC.tsv -q 2 -V -2  -U -x 2 2>> airspy.log

What is the CORRECT method to set the MASTER GAIN of the Airspys, 
using something else its set to 14 for a good signal.
