Hello, I would like to install gr-gsm but I have some problems.

I give you some information about the installation tries:

  1. OS Ubuntu 14.04
  2. version of gnuradio : (the one compatible with Ubuntu 14, do you propose another version?)
  3. I follow the instructions on https://osmocom.org/projects/gr-gsm/wiki/Installation. I used two methods
    1. for ubuntu 16 (?) but during the build I have a fatal error: “fatal error : gnuradio/attributes.h not found” in api.h

there is a header file named “attributes.h” in my gnuradio installation, maybe I should “connect it” in the file?

    1. I tried with Pybombs, but it’s so difficult and I obtained many dependencies problems
  1. I installed libosmocore from the source


Thanks you for your help

Best regards,