
I need some explanations of the way it is working

this line is working fine
./gmr1_rx_sdr.py --args airspy -a 927 -s 6000000 -B L -f 1553968750 -g 19 -b 40
then after
./gmr1_rx 4 /tmp/arfcn_927.cfile
wireshark is giving all informations

I have "immediate assignment on ARFCN 928 929 930 931

I tried to do the same with 928 929 930 931
./gmr1_rx_sdr.py --args airspy -a 929 -s 6000000 -B L -f 1554031250 -g 25 -b 40
with 1 Gb of datas, I can retrieve only 2 frames in wireshark

I'm sure there is traffic on these 4 channels

Is "immediate assignment " means TCH3 and voice ?

I tried all branches on git hub with same result

What is usage of gmr1_process_recording.py ? and arguments
What is usage of gmr1_ambe_decode and gmr1_rach_gen

Thanks for help
