Hello if I remember i have tested to telnet 8090 or if I broadcast DHCP from my PC I have but in both cases i have connection refused :( you mean that if I buy sysmocell i will be able to flash FW on my nano3G will check if I can have serial. Thank you for your response I will keep the community in touch if I can go further. I will only be able to make new tests in 10 days... :(

Le dim. 7 août 2022 à 16:09, Neels Hofmeyr <nhofmeyr@sysmocom.de> a écrit :
I dimly remember that the nano3G have both serial console contacts you can
solder onto, as well as an exploitable DHCP client (what i heard is that the
DHCP client is a bash script that fails to properly escape the host name given
to the DHCP client). With that you might be able to gain ssh access. Even then
you may not have much of a chance to get it to run, depending on the installed

A factoid is that a nano3G obtained from sysmocom.de will work with osmo-hnbgw.
Not sure if it is still in the shop... Some of them have also been given away
free of charge, to non-commercial users: research / hacker spaces. So if I
needed one to play with, I guess I would ask sysmocom indicating my intended
use, or ask some of the people that got one from Accelerate3g5 -- in case
there's someone no longer using their nano3G:

