Hi Sylvain,

I didn't realize it when you responded, but <sys/_types.h> is a toolchain problem, and you just nailed it.

Early on, before it was pointed to me to use the Getting Started wiki, I used the src/README.building file,
which is a normal practice for all unix developers/admins. When I couldn't find the gnuarm.com toolchain, I searched the web
for ubuntu toolchains and found the linaro one, gcc-arm-linux-gnueabi, which doesn't provide <sys_types.h>.
No dev version either:(
So, when using that toolchain, I had to come up with the missing <sys/_types.h>, and the only one I could find
was from vivado:(

Is there a point to my life's story? Just to pont out into how much problems one can get with the wrong README file.
I realize that building procedure must be defined and maintained in 1 place, either the wiki or the README file.
The wiki is a non standard unix location, but a more convenient one. I propose to fix the info in README.building,
to avoid future issues. The fix can be as simple as "Prerequisite is the armel toolchain. Check the <wiki url> for installation"


On Sun, May 13, 2018 at 12:11 PM, Nikos Balkanas <nbalkanas@gmail.com> wrote:
Thx Sylvain,

For your fast response.
This turned out not to be the problem, since I did several times make clean & make distclean, after I created the toolchain, before posting:)
But your response helped, in that this isn't a usual problem. Therefore smt in my setup.

Turned out problem was in my CPPFLAGS include dir.
Early on, I faced a few problems with missing include files. 1 in particular <sys/_types.h> was nowhere in my system other than in Xilinx vivado,
under /gcc-arm-none-eabi/.
Once I removed it from CPPFLAGS osmocom-bb compiled fine (with a few warnings)

Problem solved:)

On Sun, May 13, 2018 at 10:15 AM, Sylvain Munaut <246tnt@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've been following the installation directions from the wiki, Getting
> Started.
> After generating the arm-none-eabi toolchain, I proceeded with make.

My guess is you first tried compiling without an arm toolchain
installed and then installed the arm toolchain and didn't do a 'make
clean' when retrying.

