Oh I see Vadim, I guess that code is running but I cannot see that it is!
As soon as it runs, it needs non standard speed and I'm screwed with my cable!

But do you know if some firmware (Hello world?) doesn't make use of non-standard speed...
If this is the case, I still don't understand why I don't see that the code is running with such a firmware

btw i cannot make a decent cable with my FTDI cable - Tx is at 9V level! I'll burn my calypso chip.
I bought a CP2102 USB to UART converter at 3.3V level.

Le 31/08/2011 09:00, Vadim Melihow a écrit :
non standard high speed setup after layer 1 is already loaded (I mean burst/ind branch). You can run layer1 on phone but  you can not communicate with it cause PL2303  not support non standard speeds.

On Wed, Aug 31, 2011 at 12:40 AM, smithmr103@gmail.com <smithmr103@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello Harald and Lukas,

In my opinion regarding non-standard speed, PL2303 based cable should
never succeed to load code into calypso ram...
The wiki says that for some branch and/or firmwares it works, I don't
understand how it can happen.

btw with my pl2303 cable what branch / firmware do i have to use for
loading a GSM layer1 into my C123... with succeed?

Ps. I bought a RS232 / Jack adaptator. I wait for it... (I already have
a FTDI RS232 / USB cable) - If i have a little time I can braze a jack
on the RS232 as explained on the wiki

Sorry for my late answer and thank you both for your help.
I didn't had time to work on my problem :(
(right now I have trouble with my soft raid 10 in dual boot who drives
me crazy!)

Le 29/08/2011 09:23, Harald Welte a écrit :
> On Mon, Aug 29, 2011 at 01:55:59AM +0200, Lukas Kuzmiak wrote:
>> If I'm not mistaken pl2303 based cables have/had problems handling baudrates
>> above 115200, there was a recent update into the kernel tree, but I've never
>> tested it.
> the problem is not "[standard] baud rates above 115200" but it is
> "non-standard baud-rates at all".  Normal USARTs have baud-rate
> generators that can only generate baud-rates "input_clock / divider"
> where divider is either an integer, or even more: limited to a power of 2
> The calypso cannot do any standard baud-rates above 115200.  That's why
> you need a USART with more flexible baud rate generator.  The most
> commonly known one to do this is the FTDI series of USB-serial
> converters.