Hi Vadim:
    Thanks a lot for you reply.  It locked now.  
    Another simple question is how to start the phone in vty. When i entered :
OsmocomBB(mobile)> en
OsmocomBB(mobile)# sim testcard 1
SIM already attached, remove first!
    it seems not triggered  plmn search.what is the command to start the phone? Thank again!

Vadim Yanitskiy <axilirator@gmail.com> 于2024年3月22日周五 01:36写道:
On 21.03.2024 17:04, hellowangfang@gmail.com wrote:
> I used osmocom-bb and grgsm with usrp b210 to connect  openBTS, but failed. The command is  "./mobile -c /home/oi/wf/osmocom-bb/doc/examples/mobile/default.cfg","./trxcon -p 5075 " ,"grgsm_trx -p 5075" .
> When i used “./cell_log -A 1 ”, it could find plmn 1-1 with arfcn 1 which is same with openBTS.

FYI, grgsm_trx does not implement any kind of power measurement.  The
reported RSSI values are just random values between -120 and -100.
Because of that, cell_log may or may not detect cells.

> But when test with sim testcard 1, it failed to find the 1-1 cell. Could anyone give any suggestion about this? Thanks a lot!

It's a good question why cell_log does find your cell, but mobile does
not.  As a workaround, I would recommend using the 'stick' parameter in
mobile.cfg.  Just add it like this:

ms 1
  stick 1

This will force the mobile app to use ARFCN 1 and nothing else.  This is
exactly what I am doing when running a virtual setup, for instance.

Best regards,