
I am working on porting nuttx-bb to fernvale (mediatek 6260/6261). I was starting work with gnutoo's sources which seem to be pulling osmocom-bb into nuttx/apps/osmocomBB and yet I feel like previous nuttx-bb was using osmocom alongside nuttx (so that osmocom-bb is kept by itself). This second layout seems better to me... so that osmocom-bb is more "preserved" as-is. I know there are differences in the code environments but it seems those could be handled by making macros in nuttx so that nuttx can compile osmocom code.

Any suggestions?

My work in progress... on nuttx-bb

this osmocomBB/osmocomBB seems to want to pull in bits from osmocom-bb/src/target/firmware

here is a more "clean" structure of mediatek code that I put into osmocom-bb thinking I would migrate to side-by-side layout

all is very much a WIP,

From: Sylvain Munaut <246tnt@gmail.com>
To: Holger Freyther <holger@freyther.de>
Cc: "osmocom-sdr@lists.osmocom.org" <osmocom-sdr@lists.osmocom.org>; baseband-devel <baseband-devel@lists.osmocom.org>; OpenBSC Mailing List <openbsc@lists.osmocom.org>; gmr@lists.osmocom.org
Sent: Saturday, September 24, 2016 9:01 AM
Subject: Re: Moving from trac to a single redmine


> * not modify trac sites but use redirect of nginx

I've just put this in place for 'openbsc.osmocom.org' :

rewrite ^/trac/wiki/(.*)/(.*)$
$scheme://osmocom.org/projects/openbsc/wiki/$1$2 redirect;
rewrite ^/trac/wiki(.*)$ $scheme://osmocom.org/projects/openbsc/wiki$1 redirect;

This seems to work fairly well. I'm sure there are some exceptions to
those regexps, but I couldn't find any immediately. If we uncover them
we can try to tweak them or just handle them manually.

I've set them to temporary (302) redirects for now. Once we're a
little more confident that this works well, this can be changed to
301s and extended to all the other old domains.

If you find any case where those fails, please report.

