
I'm not sure about a cable as a product, but what I have is a cable made using this module:


All you need is a module a little soldering skills (just cables and connectors, no more electronics, everything is included in the module).

Btw, this module gives you 4 UARTs, there is also a module with only 2 UARTs, depends what you prefer etc.

This works just fine with Osmocom, linux kernel has a driver included, it provides 4 /dev/ttyUSBx devices.


On Tue, Aug 30, 2011 at 2:14 PM, list_mailing@libero.it <list_mailing@libero.it> wrote:
Please, can someone suggest a model for the FTDI cable? I have found different
types on internet, but I'd like to buy one it  will be definitively ok.
Thanks in advance.