[PATCH] add optional three-channel support to fl2k_file

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Riley Faelan riley.faelan at gmail.com
Thu Sep 3 11:15:16 UTC 2020


attached is a patch to fl2k_file that introduces the -3 command line
option. If this option is in use, fl2k_file will treat the input file
as a sequence of frames of 3 samples for each of the red, green, and
blue output channels.

This implementation is not exactly optimal in CPU use, since the patch
de-interleaves the input first, and the underlying library then
proceeds to re-interleave it (in the weird hardware-specific order).
This is because I didn't feel comfortable trying to redesign the
fl2k_data_info_t structure to support interleaved data without
guidance from the architect. But with a more flexible structure, these
stages could be combined, improving the throughput.

Riley Faelan
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