GNU Radio 3.9 support for gr-osmosdr

This is merely a historical archive of years 2008-2021, before the migration to mailman3.

A maintained and still updated list archive can be found at

Sylvain Munaut 246tnt at
Tue Aug 11 06:52:17 UTC 2020

> 2) Is there generally any attempt at tracking gr master, or do you typically only target release branches?

Historically, we only target release branch.
"Master" only gets supported when the first "rc" comes out and the GR
API is declared stable.

Once the new stable release come it becomes the only supported one and
what gr-osmosdr 'master' targets. The "old" release becomes a branch
and pretty much frozen.

Now Hoerchen who's taking over gr-osmosdr may decide to change that
scheme ... up to him.



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