OTA RFM on sysmoISIM-SJA2 cards

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Mychaela Falconia mychaela.falconia at gmail.com
Mon Feb 22 02:48:29 UTC 2021

Hello again everyone,

The mystery I reported this morning regarding the test_rfm function of
shadysim.py working on sysmoUSIM-SJS1 but not on sysmoISIM-SJA2 has
been solved.  I have written my own suite of C tools to replace the
Python tool for my purposes, and in the process of studying the Python
code for the purpose of recreating its logic in C I found the bug that
makes the original code not work with the new SIMs.

The bug is in the padding logic.  When the application message payload
is encrypted with any variant of DES (including the two-key 3DES used
on Sysmocom SIMs), the length of the ciphertext has to be a multiple
of 8 bytes - hence if the plaintext length is not a multiple of 8 bytes,
the plaintext needs to be padded.  But what should happen if the
plaintext length going into the cipher just happens to be a perfect
multiple of 8 bytes?  The correct answer (ought to be obvious) is to
apply no padding at all, i.e., zero bytes of padding.  However, the
Python code in shadysim.py adds 8 bytes of padding, and sets the number
of padding bytes in the header to 8.  The resulting encrypted message
should be considered malformed per standard specs, but sysmoUSIM-SJS1
cards are liberal in what they accept in this instance, thus the bug
went unnoticed.  The newer sysmoISIM-SJA2 cards do not accept such
malformed messages with invalid padding, and it just so happens that
the message generated by the test_rfm function has 40 bytes of
plaintext going into the cipher, perfectly divisible by 8 - hence the
test_rfm function fails on the new cards.

I am not able to produce a patch for shadysim.py because Python is a
read-only language for me: I can kinda-sorta read Python code and
figure out what it's doing, so I can reproduce its logic in C or
Bourne shell (my two languages), but writing or modifying Python code
is a territory I don't feel ready to venture into.

My new C tools for OTA SIM programming which do work with both
sysmoUSIM-SJS1 and sysmoISIM-SJA2 cards reside here:


These tools go as far as generating the hex string of bytes to feed to
the SIM in an ENVELOPE command; to actually interact with the SIM in a
CCID "reader" and send this ENVELOPE command, fc-simtool needs to be


In hacking fellowship,
Mother Mychaela

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