SMS sm_rp_mr set only when conn already established

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Neels Hofmeyr nhofmeyr at
Thu Jan 17 15:19:04 UTC 2019

Hi folks,

just now while resolving some unrelated merge conflict, I notice this bit
of code we have in osmo-msc master. (It has recently been tweaked, but the
code in question has been like this for a long time.)

static struct gsm_trans *gsm411_alloc_mt_trans(struct gsm_network *net,
					       struct vlr_subscr *vsub)
	struct ran_conn *conn;
	struct gsm_trans *trans;
	int tid;

	LOGP(DLSMS, LOGL_INFO, "Going to send a MT SMS\n");

	/* Generate a new transaction ID */
	tid = trans_assign_trans_id(net, vsub, GSM48_PDISC_SMS, 0);
	if (tid == -1) {
		LOGP(DLSMS, LOGL_ERROR, "No available transaction IDs\n");
		return NULL;

	/* Attempt to find an existing connection */
	conn = connection_for_subscr(vsub);

	/* Allocate a new transaction */
	trans = gsm411_trans_init(net, vsub, conn, tid);
	if (!trans)
		return NULL;

	if (conn) {  <===== if no active communication, this is NULL
		/* Generate unique RP Message Reference */
		trans->sms.sm_rp_mr = conn->next_rp_ref++;    <===== here

	/* Use SAPI 3 (see GSM 04.11, section 2.3) */
	trans->dlci = UM_SAPI_SMS;

	return trans;

We often create an MT SMS transaction when no connection to the subscriber is
currently available, which is the case if we create the SMS transaction and
only page later.

(To prove that, the call flow is
    trans = gsm411_alloc_mt_trans(vsub)
        srdownstatelist[0] = gsm411_rl_data_req()
                trans->paging_request = subscr_request_conn(...)

But we only assign an sm_rp_mr reference number when the conn is already
present. That means when we send an SMS, the sm_rp_mr reference is unset when
we still need to page first??

Does anyone know this code well? I'm almost certain we should always set
an RP reference? (i.e. drop the 'if (conn)' condition)

What errors could arise from this? It seems that we would always send an RP
reference of zero for all SMS that require paging. Could that be a reason
Rhizomatica sometimes saw SMS delivered to the wrong recipient?

So, does anyone already know that I'm on the wrong track here -- otherwise I'll
create an issue for this, probably also needing tests.

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