RFC: jenkins pipeline

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A maintained and still updated list archive can be found at https://lists.osmocom.org/hyperkitty/list/OpenBSC@lists.osmocom.org/.

Klaus Müller dr.blobb at gmail.com
Sun Mar 5 21:03:20 UTC 2017


>> So, what would be the actual benefits?

>>* complete job config in git? (to be confirmed)

Just to clarify, the Pipeline plugin on its own doesn't provide a
complete config handling in git. This means only the code shown in
image [3] lives in git, configurations within the "General" or "Build
Triggers" tab will still be handled in the web-ui.***
For the sake of completeness the JobDSL plugin [2][ has to be mention.
This plugin allows to put the entire job configuration to git and
deploys jobs without previous manual setup in the web-ui.

>>* faster because less things have to be rebuilt? (to be confirmed)

Somehow I doubt that this improvement dependents on the Pipeline
plugin, but I know to few details to have an opinion based on facts.

>>* faster because easily parallelizable/easier integration with docker? (to be
>>  confirmed)

first point: e.g. Pipeline can trigger "down-stream-projects/stages"
after one specific part of a
parallel-block/matrix-configurations-project is finished.

second point: Pipeline brings a docker wrapper, so one don't have to
pass one build script holding the entire build sequence when invoking
the container. You can invoke as much scripts as you want within the
docker wrapper. (no black-box god-script :)

>> If dr.blobb and/or Max could clarify these points that would be great
>> (while I guess they will clarify in depth only after actual trials).
>> First tests could run on a privately setup Jenkins ... dr.blobb?

For sure, let's use this Jenkins instance [1] for trials. Everyone is
welcome to sign up and send me a mail to get the necessary

I start migrating the OpenBSC build pipeline to Pipeline and keep you
updated. Is this mailing list the appropriate communication channel?

Is there already a osmocom ci wiki page, which I overlooked? I'd be
happy to contribute!


*** Some "web-ui configurations" can be injected from the jenkinsfile, though.

[1] https://jenkins.blobb.me/view/osmocom/
[2] https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Job+DSL+Plugin
[2.5] https://jenkinsci.github.io/job-dsl-plugin/#method/javaposse.jobdsl.dsl.DslFactory.pipelineJob
[3] http://tinyurl.com/zbavrtp

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