DBus usage

This is merely a historical archive of years 2008-2021, before the migration to mailman3.

A maintained and still updated list archive can be found at https://lists.osmocom.org/hyperkitty/list/OpenBSC@lists.osmocom.org/.

Neels Hofmeyr nhofmeyr at sysmocom.de
Wed Apr 5 12:26:03 UTC 2017

Hi Pau (and maybe others),

here is a test script that showcases how I'd like to use DBus in the
osmo-gsm-tester: use pydbus and keep the glib main loop in a thread (to handle
DBus signals only). It sounds ambitious but the test program actually works.

Would be great to hear your opinion on it:

The same thing cosmetically rearranged as module stub:



Related: OS#1980 https://osmocom.org/issues/1980

- Neels Hofmeyr <nhofmeyr at sysmocom.de>          http://www.sysmocom.de/
* sysmocom - systems for mobile communications GmbH
* Alt-Moabit 93
* 10559 Berlin, Germany
* Sitz / Registered office: Berlin, HRB 134158 B
* Geschäftsführer / Managing Directors: Harald Welte
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