RF power problems with current master of osmo-trx

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Andreas Eversberg andreas at eversberg.eu
Thu Jan 30 07:31:06 UTC 2014

Tom Tsou wrote:
> Yes, that is expected behavior. There will be power output as long as 
> the slot is enabled. Right now the only way to turn off transmission 
> is to disable the slot. -TT 
hi thomas,

in case of TRX 0, osmo-bts always sends bursts, even on idle bursts. it 
sends dummy bursts in this case. i suggest that there is no RF power in 
case of TRX>0 for each single burst, that is not sent from osmo-bts. the 
reasons are:

- one TCH/H channel of one TS may be in use, so the other channel should 
be disabled, to reduce noise on the spectrum.
- DRX (in the future) might be used to reduce noise on the spectrum.
- SACCH is disabled when leaving dedicated mode, so the MS runs into 
radio link timeout, if the release message does not go through or some 
error occurs.

i think about three solutions to make make osmo-trx send no RF power per 

1. omso-bts does not send any burst to osmo-trx
2. sends a dummy burst with lowest possible power indication (pwr=255)
3. sends a burst with zero length data (only the 6 bytes header)

i prefer the first solution.

best regards,


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