Nokia MetroSite

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Sipos Csaba dchardware at
Mon Jul 8 09:09:59 UTC 2013

To the MetroSIte topic:

I think we have a MetroSite unit with PSU, E1 card, TRE and 2 TRX.
Nobody tried it out because we dont have a BSC, but I will try to hook
it up to the E1 card and see if it works, I hope I can find a -48V DC
supply :-) If it works I will happily set up access for developers if
someone interested in it.

In the mean time, I will going to do some multi unit tests with the
two insite units and figure it out why sometimes both units came up,
and the other time why only the first unit came up only. I think it is
important to find why is this happening, because InSIte and MetroSite
units can both be daisy chained, and due to the extensive network
upgrades (in Europe) a lot of these units will be available on the
markets (Vodafone and Telenor already dropped these units after the
RAN upgrades in Hungary).

But it is also true, that maybe a good development direction would be
to support femto cells, that are easily and cheaply accessible to
anyone, uses IP technology and In general it is easy to work with.


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