[RFT] Couple of changes to nanoBTS and nokia bootup sequences to be tested

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Dieter Spaar spaar at mirider.augusta.de
Mon Oct 17 16:25:21 UTC 2011

Hello Sylvain,

On Mon, 17 Oct 2011 16:11:25 +0200, "Sylvain Munaut" <246tnt at gmail.com> wrote:
> Actually to get it to start I have to:
>  - After powering it, wait for like 10 min. (If I try to start openbsc
>    any sooner, it will never bootstrap)

If I remember, I never had to wait longer than half a minute after
power on. But this was with the version from August, so some changes
in the code might cause this behaviour.

> But I could add this 'reset' process as an nokia specific option to
> the vty (i.e. reset_on_start or something ).

A configuration option is fine, I would set the default to "always
reset" and only if someone know what he does, he can turn the reset
off (I think I had strange effects while changing the configuration
and not doing a reset, so this situation should be avoided).

Best regards,
Dieter Spaar, Germany                           spaar at mirider.augusta.de

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