Cannot compile OpenBSC

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Harald Welte laforge at
Tue May 24 17:17:32 UTC 2011

Hi Steve,

On Tue, May 24, 2011 at 05:23:09PM +0100, Steve Mortimer wrote:
> I have followed the instructions on building openBSC and have used
> the git versions of both libosmocore and openbsc.
> libosmocore builds fine but openbsc gives the following error when
> running make (after autoreconf -i && ./configure)

sorry for the obvious hint, but can you please make sure you have the
current git head of both versions and do a full
	make clean && autoreconf -fi && ./configure && make install
for libosmocore and
	make clean && autoreconf -fi && ./configure && make
for openbsc?

it may be that you still have some old code somewhere causing this

I'm sorry for the fall-out, but in order to not duplicate code on the
BTS side, I had to move quite a bit of stuff into libosmogsm recently,
and will probably continue to do so over the next days or so.

- Harald Welte <laforge at> 
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