[BUG REPORT]: Unable to send SMS

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Holger Hans Peter Freyther holger at freyther.de
Wed Jun 23 08:40:35 UTC 2010

On 06/23/2010 03:35 PM, Luca Bertoncello wrote:

Hi Luca,

I do not have a lot of spare time today. So let us please start over and
collect the information you have right now.

What are you doing?
Please provide instructions that can be easily repeated. This should
include if your phone did a successful Location Update (LU) and then
what you actually tried to do.

What do you expect?
Well, we kind of know that. You try to send a SMS from the phone and
then... well nothing...

What result did you get?
Well, SMS sending from the phone does not work.

And then please make sure to provide the full log (e.g. start bsc_hack
with -e1 and attach that in both cases) and also record a trace with
tcpdump of successful and unsuccessful sending...

PS:I just submitted a SMS from my N900 to an imaginary subscriber, I
have the log attached...

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