Encryption branch / BSC-MSC split

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Harald Welte laforge at gnumonks.org
Thu Jun 10 15:39:13 UTC 2010

Hi Sylvain,

On Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 12:37:28PM +0200, Sylvain Munaut wrote:
> > I'll test my updated code tonight and push it to my encryption if it
> > doesn't break.
> First off, I tested the code in sylvain/encryption (which is mostly
> some minor db fixes from me and the code you fw-ported) and it works
> fine. 

Great.  As zecke can probably consider possible BSC/MSC merge fallout
from all of this, I will lean back and let him decide if/how to merge
your encryption branch.  Zecke: hope this is fine with you.

> (you also need my pending branch of libosmocore as I put the
> utility classmark2 a5 testing func there)

ok, i have merged this already.

> What I would do (and imho helps the bsc/msc split) is create a
> 'msc_paging_request' somewhere that would wrap the paging. The flow
> would then be:
>   - Somewhere, msc_paging_request is called (from gsm_04_08 or
> gsm_04_11) with a given call back.
>   - msc_paging_request calls paging_request with a cb_msc_paging.
>   - [paging is done]
>   - gsm_04_08_utils would _not_ dispatch then SS_PAGING event it self,
> it would just call back cb_msc_paging given in paging_request
>   - Inside cb_msc_paging, I would then dispatch SS_PAGING event and
> call the original call back.
> Then to add the auth part, I could just modify cb_msc_paging to call
> secure channel if required.

This makes a lot of sense with me and is probably pretty much how
a normal MSC-internal dispatch for paging would look like.  On top of
this you would then have a transaction table and once all transactions
are completed, you close the channel.

Once again probably best to coordinate with zecke on this, I have never
studied the bsc_msc_ip in detail so far (and prefer to focus on GPRS for
now until I'm satisfied with it)

- Harald Welte <laforge at gnumonks.org>           http://laforge.gnumonks.org/
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