Change in osmo-ci[master]: New script to verify PKG_CHECK_MODULES

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osmith gerrit-no-reply at
Thu Sep 13 13:45:33 UTC 2018

osmith has uploaded this change for review. (

Change subject: New script to verify PKG_CHECK_MODULES

New script to verify PKG_CHECK_MODULES

Work in progress, see the Redmine issue.

Change-Id: I8f495dbe030775f66ac125e60ded95c5d7660b65
Relates: OS#2642
A scripts/dependency-check/
A scripts/dependency-check/
2 files changed, 199 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

  git pull ssh:// refs/changes/32/10932/1

diff --git a/scripts/dependency-check/ b/scripts/dependency-check/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6e7656d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/dependency-check/
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+from collections import OrderedDict
+import sys
+import os
+import subprocess
+def parse_error(line_num, message):
+    print("ERROR: line " + str(line_num) + ": " + message)
+    sys.exit(1)
+def parse_repository(gitdir, program, library, line_num):
+    repos = {"libosmocore": ["libosmocodec",
+                             "libosmocoding",
+                             "libosmoctrl",
+                             "libosmogb",
+                             "libosmogsm",
+                             "libosmosim",
+                             "libosmovty"],
+             "libosmo-abis": ["libosmoabis",
+                              "libosmotrau"],
+             "libosmo-sccp": ["libosmo-mtp",
+                              "libosmo-sigtran",
+                              "libosmo-xua"]}
+    for repo, libraries in repos.items():
+        if library in libraries:
+            print(" * " + library + " (part of " + repo + ")")
+            return repo
+    print(" * " + library)
+    return library
+def parse_condition(line):
+    # Only look at PKG_CHECK_MODULES lines, like these:
+    # PKG_CHECK_MODULES(LIBOSMOCORE, libosmocore  >= 0.10.0)
+    if "PKG_CHECK_MODULES" not in line:
+        return
+    # Extract the condition
+    ret = line.split(",")[1].split(")")[0].strip()
+    # Only look at Osmocom libraries
+    if ret.startswith("libosmo"):
+        return ret
+def parse_library_version(line_num, condition):
+    split = list(filter(None, condition.split(" ")))
+    if len(split) != 3:
+        parse_error(line_num, "invalid condition format, expected something"
+                              " like 'libosmocore >= 0.10.0' but got: '" +
+                              condition + "'")
+    library = split[0]
+    operator = split[1]
+    version = split[2]
+    # Right operator
+    if operator == ">=":
+        return (library, version)
+    # Wrong operator
+    parse_error(line_num, "invalid operator, expected '>=' but got: '" +
+                          operator + "'")
+def parse_configure_ac(gitdir, program):
+    # Read
+    path = gitdir + "/" + program + "/"
+    with open(path) as handle:
+        lines = handle.readlines()
+    # Parse the file into ret
+    ret = {}
+    for i in range(0, len(lines)):
+        # Parse the line
+        condition = parse_condition(lines[i])
+        if not condition:
+            continue
+        (library, version) = parse_library_version(i, condition)
+        # Add to ret (with duplicate check)
+        if library in ret and version is not ret[library]:
+            parse_error(i, "found multiple PKG_CHECK_MODULES statements for " +
+                           library + ", and they have different versions!")
+        repository = parse_repository(gitdir, program, library, i)
+        ret[repository] = version
+    return ret
+def clone(gitdir, program, version):
+    if not os.path.exists(gitdir + "/" + program):
+        url = "git://" + program
+        print("Cloning git repo: " + url)
+["git", "-C", gitdir, "clone", "-q", url],
+                       check=True)
+["git", "-C", gitdir + "/" + program, "checkout", version,
+                    "-q"], check=True)
+def dependstack_generate(gitdir, initial):
+    """ Clone an Osomocom git repository, parse its and
+        recurse.
+        :returns: ...
+    """
+    dependstack = OrderedDict()
+    parsestack = OrderedDict({initial: "master"})
+    while len(parsestack):
+        # Pop program from parsestack
+        program, version = next(iter(parsestack.items()))
+        del parsestack[program]
+        # Add to dependstack (or skip when it's there already)
+        if program in dependstack:
+            continue
+        # Add the program's dependencies to the parsestack
+        print("Looking at " + program + ":" + version)
+        clone(gitdir, program, version)
+        depends = parse_configure_ac(gitdir, program)
+        parsestack.update(depends)
+        # Add the program to the dependstack
+        dependstack[program] = {"version": version, "depends": depends}
+    return dependstack
+def dependstack_print(dependstack):
+    print("Dependency graph:")
+    for program, data in dependstack.items():
+        version = data["version"]
+        depends = data["depends"]
+        print(" * " + program + ":" + version + " depends: " + str(depends))
+def buildstack_next(gitdir, dependstack, done):
+    for program, data in dependstack.items():
+        if program in done:
+            continue
+        depends_done = True
+        for depend in data["depends"]:
+            if depend not in done:
+                depends_done = False
+                break
+        if depends_done:
+            return program, data["version"]
+    print("ERROR: can't figure out how to build the rest!")
+    print("Build order so far: " + str(done))
+    sys.exit(1)
+def buildstack_generate(gitdir, dependstack):
+    ret = OrderedDict()
+    count = len(dependstack.keys())
+    while len(ret) != count:
+        program, version = buildstack_next(gitdir, dependstack, ret)
+        ret[program] = version
+    return ret
+def buildstack_print(buildstack):
+    print("Build order:")
+    for program, version in buildstack.items():
+        print(" * " + program + ":" + version)
+def buildstack_build(gitdir, buildstack):
+    for program, version in buildstack.items():
+        print("Building " + program + ":" + version)
+        os.chdir(gitdir + "/" + program)
+        commands = [["autoreconf", "-fi"],
+                    ["make"],
+                    ["make", "check"],  # needed?
+                    ["sudo", "make", "install"],
+                    ["sudo", "ldconfig"]]
+        for command in commands:
+            print(" + " + " ".join(command))
+  , check=True)
+def main():
+    gitdir = "/home/user/code/"
+    dependstack = dependstack_generate(gitdir, "osmo-bts")
+    dependstack_print(dependstack)
+    buildstack = buildstack_generate(gitdir, dependstack)
+    buildstack_print(buildstack)
+    buildstack_build(gitdir, buildstack)
diff --git a/scripts/dependency-check/ b/scripts/dependency-check/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..57f06f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/dependency-check/
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+#!/bin/sh -ex
+echo "TODO"

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Gerrit-Project: osmo-ci
Gerrit-Branch: master
Gerrit-MessageType: newchange
Gerrit-Change-Id: I8f495dbe030775f66ac125e60ded95c5d7660b65
Gerrit-Change-Number: 10932
Gerrit-PatchSet: 1
Gerrit-Owner: osmith <osmith at>
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